Deciding how to pay for technology is as important as choosing the right technology. Whether you need one system or a deployment for the entire company, leasing allows you to stay current while conserving capital and providing a fixed and forecasted IT spend. The MacMedia Finance lease program allows businesses to finance the acquisition of hardware, software, and services. It’s a convenient, single source for a total technology financing solution.
MacMedia Finance
Benefits of Financing
- 100% Financing. Unlike bank financing which often requires up to a 20% down payment and excludes soft cost (such as installation, software, service contracts and delivery fees), we can finance the entire project.
- Life-cycle Management. Businesses have different requirements for managing their IT infrastructure. Our program helps you meet the technology life cycle of your business and maximize value.
- Pay for the use of the asset. No business pays for its employees in advance; they pay people as they contribute. It should be no different with a contributing asset like business equipment. Leasing enables you to pay as you go.
- Maximize Capital. Your monthly payment does not affect your established line of credit, cash reserves, or require a compensating deposit balance. You have more capital for your business.
- Easier than Bank Loans. Simple and fast processes are specifically designed to take the red tape out of financing. A one-page application is often all that is required.
- Little or no Down Payment. Special programs reflect the unique financing needs of specific industries. Small up-front costs make leasing very attractive.
- Payment Terms. Terms can range from 12 to 60 months with flexible End-Of-Term options.
- End-of-Term Options. At the end of the lease you may purchase the equipment at an agreed upon price ($1.00, 10% or FMV) or simply return the equipment.