MacMedia Finance

Deciding how to pay for technology is as important as choosing the right technology. Whether you need one system or a deployment for the entire company, leasing allows you to stay current while conserving capital and providing a fixed and forecasted IT spend. The MacMedia Finance lease program allows businesses to finance the acquisition of hardware, software, and services. It’s a convenient, single source for a total technology financing solution.

Benefits of Financing
  1. 100% Financing. Unlike bank financing which often requires up to a 20% down payment and excludes soft cost (such as installation, software, service contracts and delivery fees), we can finance the entire project.
  2. Life-cycle Management. Businesses have different requirements for managing their IT infrastructure. Our program helps you meet the technology life cycle of your business and maximize value.
  3. Pay for the use of the asset. No business pays for its employees in advance; they pay people as they contribute. It should be no different with a contributing asset like business equipment. Leasing enables you to pay as you go.
  4. Maximize Capital. Your monthly payment does not affect your established line of credit, cash reserves, or require a compensating deposit balance. You have more capital for your business.
  5. Easier than Bank Loans. Simple and fast processes are specifically designed to take the red tape out of financing. A one-page application is often all that is required.
  6. Little or no Down Payment. Special programs reflect the unique financing needs of specific industries. Small up-front costs make leasing very attractive.
  7. Payment Terms. Terms can range from 12 to 60 months with flexible End-Of-Term options.
  8. End-of-Term Options. At the end of the lease you may purchase the equipment at an agreed upon price ($1.00, 10% or FMV) or simply return the equipment.
Download fillable PDF application
Rely on MacMedia Finance for
  • 100% Financing
  • Approvals within hours
  • Application only up to $150,000
  • Fast processing of your MacMedia orders
  • Personal financial specialist to work directly with you


  • Terms from 12 to 60 months with flexible end of term options
  • Range of financing structures to meet your operating or capital budget requirements
  • Fixed rates throughout the term
  • Level, graduated and skip payment plans available