If you’re considering adding smart home automation to your home, you probably have a few questions.
Luckily, we’ve got answers. Contact us to learn more about home automation, including which smart devices you can automate, how much it costs, and which smart home automation system is the best.
Wanna reduce your cooling costs by 15% this Summer?
How about reducing your water usage by an average of 20%?
Nest Thermostats: (Nest Thermostats can save an average of 10% to 12% on heating bills and 15% on cooling bills)
Rachio Irrigation Systems: (Rachio 3 is an EPA WaterSense labeled device, which means it is at least 20 percent more water-efficient than average controllers.)
Call or text us @ 480-239-4229 or call the Main office line at 623-850-8001 to find out how we can:
- Automate your home
- Help you immediately save on Water and Electric
- Help you contribute to saving the environment
- Secure your home
- Monitor your Fire/sprinkler
- Detect water leaks before they become catastrophic.
No, we do not have Wonder Woman or Superman on staff, but we do have the next best thing, in the form of MacMedia trained professional smart home integrators.
If you are looking to save money on your electric or water bill, have us out to visit your home. We will provide a whole home evaluation with you for affordable, reliable, home automation. From Auto Door Locks, to RING door bells, security cameras and monitoring, automated thermostats, Alexa or Siri voice commands…. we help you do it all. We are ZWAVE, ZIGBEE, and WIFI specialists, with experience with AUTOMATED lighting, locks, thermostats, sensors, garage doors, security & monitoring, and much more. If a loved one has issues getting up to turn off the lights or adjust the thermostat, we can HELP. If you are worried you may have forgotten to lock the front door, we can HELP. If you can’t make sense of the irrigation box on the side of the house, NO PROBLEM. Would you like all of your interior lights to go off at night and coach lights on? NO PROBLEM. Best of all, we provide affordable and scalable solutions, and the technology is EASY TO LEARN AND EASY TO USE. We would like to visit your home, assess your needs, and provide a proposal for any and every automation need you may have. Call or text me today at 480-239-4229 (Cell)
What does home automation mean?
In a nutshell, home automation allows you to access and control various devices around your home remotely. This is usually done via a smartphone app or voice assistants; for example, adjusting your thermostat from another room via your Amazon Echo or closing your garage door via your smartphone.

For additional information please complete the contact form. We’ll have someone contact you to answer any further questions you may have.